Quality Policy
LMS operates its schemes to provide professional certification services and to meet the needs and expectations of its customers and stakeholders whilst complying with the overarching requirements of the regulatory authorities that grant accreditation.
Additionally, top management:
# Understands the importance of impartiality in carrying out management system certification activities
# Manages conflict of interest and
# Ensures the objectivity of management system certification activities
Thus our policy statement is:
• To maintain accreditation for certification activities within the requirements of ISO 17021 (and other accreditation criteria as appropriate) and any specific requirements of the relevant Accreditation Body and IAF, including the latest IAF guidelines.
• To ensure that audit activities and processes are carried out in accordance with our scope of accreditation and within the requirements of ISO 19011.
• To offer a service to the best of our abilities, which is independent and impartial and is seen to be fair, cost competitive and of high integrity.
• To undertake continuous improvement in the way we conduct our business and the services we offer.
• To ensure that our staff is fully competent in their roles, understand the philosophy of LMS, and operate to the procedures set out in the Management System Manual and associated and relevant LMS documents.
LMS offers its services to all organisations of any size that operate within the accredited scope, without discrimination or pre-condition.
LMS does not practise hidden discrimination by speeding or delaying applications. There are no financial considerations, other than non-payment of invoices, which will cause delay or cancel of certification.
Impartiality Policy
Impartiality is the actual and perceived presence of objectivity. Objectivity means that conflict of interest do not exist or are resolved so as not to adversely influence the activities of LMS.
Synonyms that are useful in conveying the element of impartiality are: objectivity, independence, freedom from conflicts of interest, freedom from bias, and lack of prejudice, neutrality, fairness, open-mindedness, even- handedness, detachment and balance.
Being impartial, and being perceived to be impartial, is necessary for LMS to be able to deliver a credible verification service that provides confidence to our clients, the public and all other entities in the country.
It is recognized that the main source of revenue for LMS is that of our client paying for our services and that this is a potential threat to impartiality. Our fee structure will be based upon the degree of responsibility and skill involved and the time necessarily occupied on the work, plus the reimbursement of outlays. We will contract our fees in advance with our clients and will not allow the fact that the payment of fees by clients to become a threat to impartiality.
In order to obtain and maintain confidence, LMS will at all times are able to demonstrate that our decisions are based on objective evidence and that our decisions have not been improperly influenced by other interests or by other parties.
Threats to impartiality include but not limited to:
# Self-interest threats - threats that arise from a person or enterprise acting in their own interest, for example financial self-interest;
# Self-review threats - threats that arise from a person or enterprise reviewing the work done by them. For example evaluating the compliance of a Client for whom LMS may have provided consultancy, or a staff member or director reviewing his own work in an appeal or complaint procedure;
# Familiarity (or trust) threats - threats that arise from a person or body being too familiar with or trusting towards another person instead of seeking and evaluating objective evidence on which to base the verification conclusion or decision;
# Intimidation threats - threats that arise from a person or enterprise having a perception or experience of being coerced openly or secretively, such as a threat to be replaced or reported to a supervisor if he does not do what the person who is coercing him/her wants.
The above Statement is made by LMS in the interest of transparency and so that all our clients may be aware of our intentions.